Prescription Dog

By Billy Ignatius Moving Image Final Year Project 2016/2017

Motion Graphics Piece Encouraging People to Adopt a Dog

Dogs have been around for centuries but have since moved on from being just animals to becoming man’s best friend however in recent years the amount of dogs ending up in rescue shelters and being euthanized have increased. When looking at some of the top issues affecting our health today such as loneliness, obesity, stress, mental health issues, allergies and other health issues. Can human and dog come together and help one another? I have put together a motion graphic piece to cover all these aspects.

The three main topics are:
- Brief history on the origin of dogs
- Issue relating to the number of dogs ending up in shelter and being euthanized.
- The benefits of owning a dog.

Through this motion graphics I am hoping to encourage people to do one thing, which could potentially improve their health and well being if done properly, but also change the life of one or more homeless dogs.

Supervised by Fred Weimer

Billy Ignatius Billy Ignatius